BREAKING NEWS: United States Senate Issues Official Warning and Complaint to Japanese Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama Regarding The Issue of International Parental Child abductions to Japan
Tuesday 11 August 2020 17:00
Japan as a country actively encourages and allows parental child abductions and is not upholding its internationa treaty comitments to the Hague Convention which Japan became signatory to in 2014. As the number of international child abduction cases rise internationally and within America, the USA has issued stark warnings to Japanese ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama that legislative measures will be considered if Japan does not improve on it’s child abduction record and returning children back to the countries they were abducted from. In the 2018 and 2016 State Department Annual Reports on international parental child abduction, Japan was cited for failing to make sufficient progress in enforcing Hague court orders for the return of abducted children. This failure resulted in a pattern of noncompliance with Japan’s obligations under the Hague Abduction Convention. The 2020 Annual Report found there were 13 open and active abduction cases in Japan throughout 2019, involving 19 children in total. At the end of 2019, 5 cases remained open involving 9 children. In addition to these open and active cases, there are still 13 pre-Convention abduction cases which remain unresolved.