American Father Jack Stone Goes on Hunger Strike In Japan Outside Diet Building: hasn’t seen his children since October 2021
Saturday 28 May 2022 20:44
On explaining the current system regarding parental child abduction in Japan, Japan’s lack of joint custody, family law, enforcement of child returns and a system that encourages a parent to abduct a child first. It is not just the children and left behind parent that are victims. Abducting parents are also victims of a system that encourages them to abduct first. “She (wife) is a victim of Japan’s sole custody system,” he says. “This abhorrent system causes fear and irrational behavior. For parents, there is the realization that if they don’t get awarded custody of their children, they might never have access to them again. That’s too great a burden for anyone.” Stone was keen to stress that this is not just an issue affecting foreign fathers. It’s estimate that around 150,000 children lose contact with a parent annually in this country.